Split (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Music by West Dylan Thordson

Estas eran las otras portadas que no iban destinadas a salir esta semana, en este caso, al ser la otra parte de la franquicia Unbreakable he decidido compartirla la misma semana junto con la tercera, tampoco hubo edición física y realmente lo merecía ya que es una muy buena obra, tratando de hacer entender a través de la música el complejo mundo de la personalidad múltiple, espero que os gusten las portadas.


These were the other covers that were not destined to be released this week, in this case, being the other part of the Unbreakable franchise I decided to share the same week with the third, there was no physical edition and really deserved it as it is a very good work, trying to make through the music understand the complex world of multiple personality, I hope you like the covers.